Did I mention…

…Did I mention that I suffer from agoraphobia?

I don’t know what I was thinking, setting myself the challenge of blogging the favourite new places I find!

I haven’t actually left the house yet other than for absolute necessity, since New Year!

4 thoughts on “Did I mention…

  1. I know what you mean…I often find myself asking myself that same question: What was I thinking!” It seems like so many others who have agoraphobia and other anxiety conditions have no problems writing about it online for anyone to read. It takes me weeks or months to make a blog entry, and I seldom comment. I start to panic so much whenever I even think about it. But I have a goal to get back into writing a blog again. I hope you can find the courage to continue on as well..I do leave the house (with my husband) once or twice a week, and I take my camera along.It is not easy, so that must mean its worth it!
    God bless~ Lisa


    1. Thank-you! I am actually a lot better than I was. It’s the second time in my life that I have suffered from agoraphobia – the first time was as a teenager; this time it was as a result of the stress of being evicted. 😦 On the mend hopefully. Small steps 🙂

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      1. So glad to hear you are on the mend…life is so short, and I’m guessing you’re quite younger than I am, so you have so much ahead of you…Keep fighting the agora and you will learn new coping skills…I did when my daughters were young I was able to function and even work at a job for several years. My panic did not get too bad until after I retired (medical retirement), and then when I went through cancer I developed PTSD afterward, which aggravated the panic/agora. I ended up in the ER physically unable to move or feel my body for a few hours. Now I am scared to go anywhere alone since that is when it happened when I went to church alone one Sunday morning.
        So, it can get worse like a domino affect if it gets a foothold on you.
        God bless~ Lisa


      2. Thanks 🙂 I’m in my 40s. I have had a spot of PTSD before myself, and yes I know how one thing can come on another and overwhelm you. I did manage to get out to church this Sunday, but didn’t manage to speak to anybody! (That’s a whole different level!) 🙂

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