Why as a Christian I am voting…

The link below to an article on "Why as a Christian I am voting Conservative" was posted on a group I'm on this morning and I thought it was worth sharing. I absolutely won't be voting Conservative this time, and I struggle to understand why Christians continue to support the 'Right' even in the face … Continue reading Why as a Christian I am voting…


I would be a long way away from this episode if I was going to blog the episodes chronologically in order. But I feel as though this is an important part of who I am and what I've been going through, and how I got to where I am. So I will dispense with order … Continue reading Fractured


This is from a group I'm part of for recovering from Complex PTSD. It's not my own (and actually I'm waiting on permission so I may need to come back and either delete or add an attribution), but I wanted to share it because I could easily have said the same thing myself. All the … Continue reading Therapy