Rounding up the Week

Shabbat Shalom! I hope you have all had a great week! I am finishing up the week with debilitating backache, so I haven't managed to get all the work I wanted to do done (and my husband has had to cook the shabbat meal! Thankfully I had everything prepared so it was just a matter … Continue reading Rounding up the Week

Climate Change: El Nino

El Nino was mentioned a couple of times but I wasn't sure of the significance. This video seems helpful. If anybody else has more resources, please share them!

Climate Change Week 3 Notes

3.1 What evidence do we have of the signals of climate change, including an increase in extreme weather events? In addition to written records over the last 170 years, modern records are able to be taken more widely and more reliably increasingly high-tech meteorological records are now possible, including data from weather satellites, weather balloons, … Continue reading Climate Change Week 3 Notes